Significance of 67 Ranchero

Discussion in 'Ranchero History' started by Ian Goolsby, Mar 6, 2019.

  1. Ian Goolsby

    Ian Goolsby In Second Gear

    I have a 67 Ranchero which I love. I am curious about the significance of this year versus others. One would think this year would be more valuable due to the Fairlane chassis and styling. How many of these did they make? Did they make more of other years? I'm also curious how many Rancheros were produced compared to El Caminos. Any other 67 fun facts you all could share? Thank you.
    Buds 67 likes this.
  2. Saff54

    Saff54 In Maximum Overdrive GOLD MEMBER

    FDD330A6-268B-43D4-BCFC-FEECD9677B38.jpeg Hey Ian,I’m partial to the 67 myself!they are definitely head turners,you should get the Marti report to find out about yours this Is my 67,live in the northeast so not driving it yet,can’t wait to take it out

    Attached Files:

    Buds 67 and Carl Steinbarger like this.
  3. Ian Goolsby

    Ian Goolsby In Second Gear

    Your 67 is beautiful Saff, Looks like it sits strait too. I wish mine did. Changed front springs and shocks and new rear leafs and have 1.5" sag in front drivers side. I am taking it to a friend that is a mechanic / engineer and hopefully he'll pinpoint the problem. I'm dying to know whats causing it.
    Buds 67 and Saff54 like this.
  4. 72GTVA

    72GTVA Administrator Staff Member

    Chesapeake, VA
    1967 Production Numbers
    • 1967 - Ranchero - 5,858
    • 500 - 9,504
    • XL - 1,881
    Buds 67, cbolt and Saff54 like this.
  5. Saff54

    Saff54 In Maximum Overdrive GOLD MEMBER

    01427853-2A1B-4E4C-912D-EC675FAA487F.jpeg My 67 stats
    Buds 67 and Ian Goolsby like this.
  6. 5.0 Chero

    5.0 Chero Bahumbug Staff Member

    Prunetucky California
    Actually its the same Chassis and body as the 66 66/7 fairlanes and falcons shared the same platform. Just the front sheet metal and dash was different. Ln 67 they changed the Ramchero over to Fairlane. The Falcon and Fairlane line was being phased out for the new Pinto compact Maverick and Torino take over the small and midsize car positions. 66 to 69 falcons did not receive any major styling updates 70 shared the torino/fairlane body . In 68 the Torino name was added to the midsize line 69/71 Fairlanes and Torinos shared the same body 72 Fairlane name was nomore
    Buds 67 and ForistellFord like this.
  7. PonyExpressRider

    PonyExpressRider In Maximum Overdrive

    Sutherlin, OR
    From Ford Ranchero - Muscle Portfolio 1957-1979

    Attached Files:

    Buds 67 likes this.
  8. colnago

    colnago In Maximum Overdrive

    Hmmm … I thought the 1964 was a more valuable year, because it was only offered in 1964. After that, Ford moved on to the 1965 model year. ;) Actually, I drive a '64, but the '66 - '67 is probably my favorite, strictly from an aesthetics viewpoint. I don't think any year is particularly valuable, simply because you either love or hate the car/truck styling. Just my two cents.

  9. RancheroRandy

    RancheroRandy In Maximum Overdrive

    Well, I'll through in my 2 cents worth of opinion: I've liked '67 as well but about a year ago almost purchased one with a 351W. After driving it just had too much of a "sedan feel" to me (totally subjective) and I couldn't get out of my mind, from way back when, watching a '66 El Camino with a 396 blow away a '67 Ranchero with a 390....
  10. colnago

    colnago In Maximum Overdrive

    I guess I've never really seen the FE family as a performance block. I have a 352 in my '67 F250 now, and I may swap in a reconditioned crank and connecting rods this summer to turn it into a 390, but it will still be a truck. Thirsty, too, but it will haul a load all day long, and never complain.

  11. PonyExpressRider

    PonyExpressRider In Maximum Overdrive

    Sutherlin, OR
    I also have enjoyed the look of the 66/67 body style... but my favorites are the '68-71... with the '69 being my absolute favorite! Obliviously! :rolleyes:
    Buds 67 and colnago like this.
  12. handy_andy_cv64

    handy_andy_cv64 In Maximum Overdrive SILVER MEMBER

    New Braunfels, TX
    I think this advertisement is a nice addition to this thread. And I always liked what Ford called one of the FE engines available:

    Buds 67 and Saff54 like this.
  13. AHAMAYfrank

    AHAMAYfrank In Second Gear

    I love the '67 models, my second favorite. I have a '65. The '60s Rancheros are flying under the radar. They never bring what a same year / condition mustang will. With popularity of mustangs high it makes the availability of Ranchero improvement parts high as well, to our benefit. Frank S.
  14. Ol' Slo Eddie

    Ol' Slo Eddie In Third Gear

    Grants Pass, Oregon
    I too LUV the '67, especially since it is a 'one year only'. I had a '66 which was also a 'one year only.
    Back in the day, I ran a lot of FE's but today I don't want any part of them. The Windsor is a way better engine and you can take a 351 out to 427 if you want really MEAN power. As I have gotten longer in the tooth, I have slowed down a bit. I still enjoy smashing the loud pedal but I would like to pass more gas stations. These days, I like long distance travel and back country roads more than stop light to stop light. Just sayin'....
    Buds 67 and Kiwirancher like this.
  15. Buds 67

    Buds 67 In Fourth Gear

    Rome, Georgia
    67's are Bad Ass! upload_2022-1-18_17-17-40.jpeg
    AHAMAYfrank and Saff54 like this.
  16. Ol' Slo Eddie

    Ol' Slo Eddie In Third Gear

    Grants Pass, Oregon
    That was NEVER in question!!!!

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