I screw with em every chance I get as well.At the gas pumps the other day.As I was putting on the gas cap,a couple middle aged women pull behind...
3.26 reg 3.66 prem. 3.48 diesel
Havent experienced dreaded DW on my F250.Replaced the stock ranchero shocks with Bilsteins. Ride is firmer but stable.Give your tires a spin.Check...
My oldest son and I drew a gen. buck tag northern Utah.Should be a fun camping trip.Getting real expensive since Utah jacked all tags/lic...
Get well soon Dennis,deer season is coming quick.Payback is a bitch....
Block casting on rt side above starter.Perhaps EOAE-D3C? 80-84 302..
Bump the timing,give it a 100 shot they said,It will be fine... [ATTACH]
Replacement caps are available from Epay that fit 72-75 rancheros.You can swap your color match outer cover if needed.These are chrome. [ATTACH]...
Not sure how close you are to MI. www.facebook.com/commerce/listing/422405233647646/?ref=share_attachment
PST kits are good. Suspension - Front End Rebuild Kits - Standard (p-s-t.com)
All back together and running perfect.Went on 100 mile test run with no issues,no leaks.Except for lifter rattle at cold start up.Goes away couple...
My bad Todd,Yes silicon RTV.Been using Permatex for years,Just didnt stack it high enough..Should suck alot more air in now!More go fast. [ATTACH]...
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