2023-24 Hunting Season

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by As Is '66, Sep 10, 2023.

  1. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    A place for us to Brag or Whine about this years hunting...
    Pics welcome...

    It`s Archery Season in GA...
    This is my FIRST with a Crossbow...
    A couple weeks ago, I asked our son John "Can I use your Crossbow?"
    He agreed to it, so I broke out the book (Online) and learned the fundamentals of the thing...
    I checked the scope at 45 yards with two shots...
    I only shot twice because the target "Ate" the arrow...
    Then when I pulled it through, the second time, it nearly ripped off two vanes...
    Yes I`ll re-fletch it, one day MAYBE > They`re $9 when you replace a damaged one...

    My Stand is in the corner of a 20 acre field...
    I shoot a 30-06 during gun season...
    I`m hunting Crossbow this year for my first ever crossbow journey..
    I`m a seasoned compound Bow shooter
    I know where 50 yards, 75 yards, 100 & 200 yards are in this area...

    First day of Archery season was Yesterday...
    The three does I saw, were too far out, @ 100 yards, so I left the stand empty handed...
    But this morning at 7 O`clock, I shot a Doe...
    The BRAG ;)
    Realize, I`m new to this Crossbow and am learning...
    I shot, she ran, I looked and didn`t find her...
    I thought I had missed, I even logged in my "deer journal" that I missed...

    I found the arrow (Bolt) with some debris on it, thinking it was just dirt, I wiped it clean..
    So I came back to the stand, reloaded and sat...
    The more I thought about that Bolt the more I thought, I HIT That Deer!!!
    >>The Bolt would have gone 100 yards into the woods had I missed...
    But 20 feet or so from where I shot the deer, it lay<<
    So I went further with my search, and ShoNuff, there she lay...
    The deer ran about 100 yards from impact...

    Then this evening gave me a reminder of Searching for a hit deer in the woods by flashlight...

    This Evenings hunt showed a doe & three Bucks just out of range...
    Two Nice Bucks came to the same spot I shot the doe...
    I walked it off, it`s right at 35 paces...

    I found the Bolt laying about the same distance as this morning...
    John & I searched over an hour, not finding any sign except one place, where he went into the woods...
    Thickness of underbrush hampered our search, But we definitely searched...
    The WHINE :(

    SO, Tomorrow I`ll go back and search some more...
    Hopefully I can come back and report my finding him...

    I will NOT shoot another Deer right before sunset,

    Yes I sign this statement...
    Twice I`ve hunted a hit deer in the woods with a flashlight, it AIN`T No Fun

    Lets hear your success or failure
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
    Dyno and Buds 67 like this.
  2. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    I fount the 8 point buck...
    It`s rack scored 103-6/8 Boone & Crockett...
    Buzzards fount it for me...

    I LEARNED they don`t Bleed well AND can only Run 200 yards with the "Double Lung Shot"...
    SO I searched really TOO Far out,

    Anyone else Hunting Yet??
    While searching, I found this
  3. Dyno

    Dyno In Overdrive

    Croydon, Pa
    Always make s you wonder what happened to the one you found, but a neat find it is.
    Not hunting season yet for me . But was at cabin last weekend saturday morning had deer around cabin when I woke up. Later in morning after coffee had 7 turkey show up on my pad where my garage will eventually be built. Sunday morning had deer in my clover patch on the same pad. No bucks but thats ok haven't found a recipe for horns yet.
    As Is '66 likes this.
  4. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    Yes http://www.ranchero.us/forum/index.php?members/dyno.5860/ Feed them critters and you can get `em from the easy chair...
    My stand is beyond the barnyard, 150 paces from my easy chair ;)

    AND this evening I had a 6pt Buck make his way to within range...
    I jeft the stand without spooking it...
    Just about Positve it was the same I saw this morning what came with a spike and a doe, outta range at 100 yards...
    I wish his "running partners" were with him tonite !
    I`da shot the Doe,

    Practiced with the crossbow til I feel good and confident at 75 paces

    I like the early start
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
  5. Dyno

    Dyno In Overdrive

    Croydon, Pa
    Crossbows work well !! My Dad uses one at times. Also use them at night hunting Gators in Florida. Oh and Dad hunts from the deck of cabin at times during the senior hunt in October.
    Smack'em and Stack'em !! Fill the freezer.
    Good luck.
    As Is '66 likes this.
  6. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    I Love getting this "Early Start" on these critters...
    I let 6 walk this evening...
    Deer just kept coming to feed this evening after this afternoons showers...
    A Doe first showed her face at 110 yards across the field...
    Then twin spotted fawns came from the left, well within range...
    in a few minutes, they all came together in front of my stand...
    One of the fawns tried to suckatit, but the Doe said NO

    Two more does and a fawn came across the field to within range....
    BUT remember my statment I signed?
    I ain`t shooting that late,

    I thought hARD about getting me a spotted hide though
    Dyno likes this.
  7. RancheroRandy

    RancheroRandy In Maximum Overdrive

    My next door neighbor's brother just got a nice 6 point over the weekend...but I never see any bucks just does... :(
    As Is '66 likes this.
  8. handy_andy_cv64

    handy_andy_cv64 In Maximum Overdrive SILVER MEMBER

    New Braunfels, TX
    Doesn't Cabelas sell attractants? I seem to recall this involved Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy.
    As Is '66 likes this.
  9. PonyExpressRider

    PonyExpressRider In Maximum Overdrive

    Sutherlin, OR
    My Blacktail season opens 10/7
    Dyno and As Is '66 like this.
  10. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    Are you Ready??
    Yesterday morning, before sunrise, I saw small and large siloettes but couldn`t make out what sex...
    This morning Notta,
  11. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    As y`all know, I`m regular in the stand,
    being as it`s only 150 paces from my Easy Chair ;)

    It paid off this mornig, I logged #3 ...
    Before actual sunrise just after 7:00 o`clock I saw a large Doe coming towards the stand, she followed the trail around to the "front" and peed...
    She was walking when I let her have it...
    I still ain`t found the Bolt,

    Filled the cooler FULL with meat...

    I love the early start of hunting Archery Season...
    AND now, it`s Just a coupla weeks until Gun Season
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2023
  12. Dyno

    Dyno In Overdrive

    Croydon, Pa
    Inside loins with eggs, a breakfast fit for a king !!
    As Is '66 likes this.
  13. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    Get Ready, it`s only T-minus 3 more wake ups...
    Good Luck,
  14. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    Ann & I put Tuesdays deer in the freezer today...
    Looking for #4 now,
    Dyno likes this.
  15. 5.0 Chero

    5.0 Chero Bahumbug Staff Member

    Prunetucky California
    How about crawdads been crawdad hunting lately?
  16. Dyno

    Dyno In Overdrive

    Croydon, Pa
    Here's a pic of one my cousin got upstate with his crossbow. Told'em good now we have a driver come rifle season ! LMAO.
    I just don't have the time for archery, though it is a great time of year to be out in the woods.

    Attached Files:

  17. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    Nope Carl, didn`t find time this year yet to hunt me no crawdads...
    NICE BUCK on the truck,

    That`s what I`m talkin` `bout
  18. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    As "primative weapon" season comes in Oct 14, I can still hunt with the crossbow...
    So I`m regular in the stand mornings and evenings...
    Friday evening I saw one of our Quality Bucks at 110 paces walking the woods line across from my stand...
    And this evening a doe took the same path...
    Yesterday evening a 6 point buck came within my 70 yards range, but I only have one more Buck Tag and want that Big One instead...

    Modern firearms season comes in next Saturday, Oct 21...
    I`ll put the crossbow away,
  19. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    How many use this as your guide to "hit the stand"???

    I look at regular, but Ain`t not a whole lotta faith in it from my experience...

    Who else "Looks"?
  20. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    This morning, What with not seeing deer on first day of Gun season, I took out a squirrel...
    I had just bought myself a Crosman F4 .177 pellet squirrel gun, Wednesday, got the scope mounted and sighted in at 50 yards...
    We had squirrel in gravy over rice for supper last night...
    I done got 4 of the vermin...

    BUT > This evening hunt, About the time I saw him, he was gone...
    Just About 50 feet from crossing the field I watched his final steps, he stopped, I reached for the 30.06 and he took the last few into hiding...
    Then to my awe, I saw it take off Back across the field he had crossed, Tail in the air, with two dogs not far behind...
    Big Deer with a 6pt rack, Ann says, "we can`t eat antlers" ...

    Is it against the law to put out a bounty on them dogs?

    Last edited: Oct 21, 2023

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