2024-25 Hunting Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by As Is '66, Sep 15, 2024.

  1. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    I found the arrow about 80 yards...
    I shot at 40 yards...
    A vane came off the arrow, I found it at 25 yards...
    Crossbow folks say, with the vane coming off there`s no telling where the arrow will end up...
    It`s in a tree at a strange angle to my stand where I shot from...

    Live %
    & Learn,
    Buds 67 likes this.
  2. Dyno

    Dyno In Overdrive

    Croydon, Pa
    Went to cabin this weekend . It was senior hunt time for deer, Dad got 2 doe, 1 before I got there friday night and then whacked one Saturday evening. I got to track it gut it and drag it out for him. Bonus was this morning Inside loins and eggs for breakfast ! Yumm!!
    Here's a couple pics from trail cams at cabin.

    Attached Files:

    Buds 67, As Is '66 and pmrphil like this.
  3. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My ! ! !

    Nice pics,
    Buds 67, Dyno and Lincolnut like this.
  4. Dyno

    Dyno In Overdrive

    Croydon, Pa
    Just getting back from Turkey season. Went up to cabin last Friday night and hunted with dad. We both got birds eventually his shooting was not the best. He got a hen and I whacked a Gobbler with about a 5" beard. So good eating is on the menu !
    While we were up noticed the rut is definitely on !! Saw some decent buck along with a lot that are illegal to hunt here. They need 3 points on one side. Some were very big Y bucks, heavy beams. Saw one buck with only one side of horn other must have been broken fighting.

    Good luck to all out there!!
    As Is '66 likes this.
  5. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    On the crossbownation, we`re discussing Rules are Rules...

    Not that I am deserving of a pat on the back, BUT...
    Our FULL Moon was Shining Bright enough to see horns on a Buck at 6:15, on the east side, I watched as I put on my Ear muffs...
    He stayed in the field, checked out a scrape on the other side of it, then came to within 70 yards of my stand...
    I watched in the binoculars as he disappeared into the woods...
    Yes, I checked time, it was 6:25...
    Then Buck #2 came from the west, from the scrape the first one had checked earlier...
    He came up the just about the same way to within 40 yards...
    I am steady watching the time, as we can shoot 30 minutes before sunrise...
    This guy disappeared at 6:30...
    Sunrise is at 7:09 this morning, so these Quality Deer were Safe...

    Yeah, I had the second buck in the scope a couple times, would check time and wait...

    10 more minutes wouldda made my day...

    BUT it wasn`t his time,

    Poaching is Poaching and 10 minutes is 10 minutes... upload_2024-11-17_9-51-14.gif
  6. pmrphil

    pmrphil In Maximum Overdrive GOLD MEMBER

    central CT
    They were probably looking for motorcycles :rolleyes:
    As Is '66 likes this.
  7. Dyno

    Dyno In Overdrive

    Croydon, Pa
    Just go by a little further eastern time !!! LOL
    Hate it when they know the rules !
    As Is '66 likes this.
  8. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    I "Culled" one this morning...
    Or so i thought...

    At 7:50 I saw a Buck with 4 Right/2 Left points.
    Dropped him where he stood...
    My Reminton 7400 30-06 does its job well...

    Upon handling this guy, I found the 2 side, the beam was broken off, leaving the brow tine and the broken beam portion...
    I at first thought Genetics, BUT Nope...

    "Freezer meat" my son John said

    "Nice sized deer" the fella at the processor said,

    I Wish I could post pics from my phone
    pmrphil likes this.
  9. Dyno

    Dyno In Overdrive

    Croydon, Pa
    Good for you ! A filled up freezer is a;ways a good thing.
    Waiting patiently here fingers real itchy ! Rifle season opens Saturday after thanksgiving, I have 6 doe tags and a buck tag to fill. They are calling for some snow up where I hunt. It always helps them stand out and I am looking forward to painting it red. Hopefully I can fill the tags from Saturday to that Wednesday.
    Cleaning up the 4 deer I put in freezer last year.
    pmrphil and As Is '66 like this.
  10. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    Yeah, we`re still eating last years` venison here too...

    I been watching,
  11. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    I Wish I could post pics from my phone[/QUOTE]


    @andrewok1 Posted a pic I can post it...
    Thank You Andy,

    We`ll see you next Saturday or Sunday...
    Stumpknockers on my mind
  12. andrewok1

    andrewok1 In Maximum Overdrive GOLD MEMBER SILVER MEMBER

    ocala ,florida
    U betcha
  13. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia

    I found an ancient pic of me,
    Buds 67, Dyno and Lincolnut like this.
  14. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    Nothing but Frosty fields this morning...
    BUT i Watched 2 does with fawns yesterday evening...
  15. RancheroRandy

    RancheroRandy In Maximum Overdrive

    Sad: my deer feeder hasn't been touched in months! :(
  16. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    I think the reason is because there`s aplenty of Acorns and other food for them...

    Just a hunch,

    That`s what I was told anyhow ;)
    pmrphil likes this.
  17. RancheroRandy

    RancheroRandy In Maximum Overdrive

    well, I have heard a LOT of gunshots lately...meat on the table for some!
  18. Dyno

    Dyno In Overdrive

    Croydon, Pa
    Just getting back from hunting trip. Hunting started saturday and goes until 12/14 (rifle season). I ended up with 3 doe , camp totaled 17 deer hanging including 2 buck. Some of the deer should have counted as rabbits ( small) .
    I took each of mine with a different rifle first 30-06 Ruger, my go to rifle for a long time. Had another fail to fire as the pin does not punch primer as deep as other rifles that will fire those same bullets. Mods to come. The fail to fire was on a decent looking buck. Next was a self defense shooting as deer damn near ran me over, 300 win mag at 15-20 yds note I highly recommend this caliber as good for the distance !!! LMAO. Last was a decent size doe with my dads 7mm-08, thru the neck and out the jaw dropped in her bed .
    No pics of meat pole as different people left at different times. Had some gambrels loaded with two deer on them. The one buck was a scum bag already dropped the one side horn and when they went to drag out the other side came off in their hands, heavy 4 point on that side.
    Sent dad home with 7 deer in his short bed F150 to get to the butcher. Butcher prices seem to be all over the place. The usual butcher that we have went to for years priced himself out as far as I'm concerned $ 140 a deer for plain butcher, shame will miss the Kielbasa from there. Try out a new one to me that dad has used $ 67 a deer. Will try some of their other products out.
    I still have tags left so will see if I head up for last saturday. See what weather brings was 13 degrees the one morning. Weather definitely did not work in my favor Crunchy snow is no good for still hunting. I just can't spend time in a blind or tree stand gets to boring for me, I enjoy searching them out.
    Good luck to y'all.
    As Is '66 and pmrphil like this.
  19. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia
    As the calendar Reads this moring,

    I see we only have a Month Left in this 24/25 Deer season...

    I reckon IF I`m gonne fill the other 11 tags I had best start SHOOTING DEER rather Than Watching Deer from the Stand ;)

    Wish me Luck,


    Merry Christmas

    Buds 67 and pmrphil like this.
  20. As Is '66

    As Is '66 2 Wheeled Mod Staff Member

    Southwest Georgia

    WOW ! ! !
    Self Defence and the antler Shed in your hand...
    WOW ! ! !

    300 WinMag :D

    Merry Christmas Y`all

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