Sorry to bother you but I have had a small issue for the past month or so, that I am hoping you can help me with. I have the website link as an icon on my bookmarks bar (google Chrome - windows 10) and when I hit it, it does take me to the website. However, every time I go to the website, I am asked to sign in. This is odd, because every time I sign in, I check the "stay logged in" box. Are you aware of this issue? Can you tell if it is at my end, or yours? Got any ideas about how to remedy the problem? Thanks, Brad Blevins (unclebrad)
I noticed it more last night on my laptop. It wouldn't let me tick the "Stay Logged In" box. If I did then it didn't recognise my password. Fine so far this morning on the desktop I'm currently using.
Well, I haven't done anything but didn't have to log in this time. If that is due to some administrative help, thanks!
Yeah, I don't get it. Sometimes this vpn thing prevents some pages from opening and I have to turn it off, but I tried that and it isn't the case here.
Huh. Works again. If someone did something - Thanks! Otherwise, I'm chalking it up to one of life's little mysteries.
I was having issues a little over a week ago. My primary browser is Brave....I'd switch over to Firefox and I could log in.... Today, no problems. Not sure what is different.
Wasn't able to get to the site yesterday evening.....just now I tried and got an error about cookies...switched over to Firefox and logged in doesn't like something about the way Brave handles cookies...but not consistently...both browsers running the same settings.