Unless the water gets turned off, I'll just shower after dumping. Not that it'll come to that because my wife bought a monster pack of TP at Costco before the sheet hit the fan, not even knowing the sheet would hit the fan.
Looking like Idaho will have to Re-Populate the Earth.. https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/h...reak/277-cf3aba42-4fb6-4ea6-ae1a-ac0de69ca711
In a pinch, a garden hose works. Some advice, spray down in the afternoon, after the hose has sat in the sun for a few. Less chilly.
OK, so most of you people are astonishingly old... me personally I don't care about this dumb virus. But how do you high riskers feel about it? Worried?
Yeah, no joke i'm worried. Not so much for myself but for the family that includes young kids. The area I live in is probably 75% foreigners mostly mexicans but plenty of Asians, Iranians and 7-Eleven Indians live around me. I stopped going out to eat and plan to skip the 40% off sale at Pick Your Part this weekend (a first for me)