June 4, 2008 Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey. Enjoy. The kettle's on the boil and we're so easily called away. __________________ June 5, 2008 Stevie 'Guitar' Miller Enjoy today's hot pick, a cold song for a 93 degree day. __________________ June 6, 2008 Let's mix things up a bit. Here's one about a fellow who makes a business trip to Japan, and has a one night stand with a woman who later turns out to be a prostitute. He's crushed, but it was a freebie, after all. This live version is less techno-pop than the original, if you remember it, so the older folks may like it too. I'm here to please. Big in Japan (Oh... if you want the original 80's techno-pop Euro version, here you go...) __________________ June 7 and June 8, 2008 Since I won't have time to post this weekend, I will add them now. June 7- Spin up that wax and fire up that bong! It's Aphrodite's Child! June 8- And for a kiwi's take on the Classic Rock era, I give you... Billy Thorpe. __________________ June 9, 2008 Some Southern Fried Rock hits the board this Monday morning. It's Loew, not Lowe. __________________ June 10, 2008 We've been pretty nice so far, but let's turn to the dark side for today. Not the dark side of the moon; the dark side of the rock culture of 1980. Since this version features the lyrics along with the tune, feel free to sing along to this macabre cult classic. __________________ June 11, 2008 It's Wild Wednesday! Sometimes this happens, a two for one! Should satisfy the classic rocker living in us all. First we feature one of the best classic rock voices of all time. Ladies and Gentleman, in bold Stereophonic audio, I give you Bad Company! (Hint- we will have more Bad Company as time progresses. The PD has stated that this is one of his favorite bands). And to complete our Wild Wednesday double feature, we tip our caps to perhaps the greatest Southern Fried band of their era, Toy Caldwell and his Marshall Tucker Band. (This one is not on YouTube so wait for it to load. It'll work, and I'm told the PD is also quite enamored with this band as well). Conversely, if that site doesn't work here is a nice live version on YouTube. __________________ June 12, 2008 The Outlaws surface today for a spot in the Hot Hit thread. __________________
I think because I edited the old post instead of creating a new one, I didn't give The Outlaws a fair shot. They were yesterday, check them out. June 13, 2008 Friday the 13th can't be ignored. So let us go again to Japan. Not for some fruity 80's pop, but rather for a giant lizard. June 14, 2008 Our own Billy Zoom has a jam session with Brian Setzer (Stray Cats) and James Intveld. Nice little piece. June 15, 2008 It's Father's Day, what else am I gonna choose?
You will probably ask for this to be deleted too but your program director has been given a reprive............
Why has the PD been given a reprieve? Which'n did you like? And no, I've decided to only request that BB's threads be removed, you're good.
June 16, 2008 Hey, if Alabama can have a group named after it, so can Missouri. (The link is to an mp3 not a website so be patient while it loads).
June 17, 2008 A moldy oldie slowly saunters in to the Hot Pick thread. How this'n slipped in is anyone's guess. All you oldsters, enjoy. All you youngins, try to stay awake.
^^^ Heh, Lightfoot rules. Almost went with Edmund Fitzgerald, prolly will later in the year. You're a crotchety old man, fell right in to my trap.
June 18, 2008 Didn't your mother tell you not to play in Traffic, or is that backwards... June 19, 2008 Note to Neil Young's wife... Don't let him take you fishing...
Thanks for the props Rob. June 20, 2008 As we learned on June 18, maybe you can't always trust your mom. How about your teacher then? June 21, 2008 Never mind the lame video, at least they used a clean copy of this Squeeze classic. June 22, 2008 I suppose we can't have a classic rock thread without a few from the masters. Nice little cut.
I never realized how bad McCartney's teeth were. The best 'Pick' yet, nonetheless. And you are right that Squeeze video was lame. Lame to the point of being unwatchable.
Las couple sucked so here is a decent one,,,,,, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkTQUtx818w&feature=related
Dude, anyone can toss up Free Bird. (Well, not anyone, since you gorfed the URL, but that's life with 5.0). No, we try to run a bit more obscure. If it gets air play 15 times a day, it gets pushed back a bit. Tomorrow's is more obscure.