Follow up heater core question

Discussion in 'General Ranchero Help' started by Parker Harger, Jul 5, 2024.

  1. Parker Harger

    Parker Harger In Second Gear

    Boise Idaho
    Anyone run their Ranchero sans heater core? This isn't my daily driver and even though the model came with A/C, the A/C components have been removed and with a suggestion from another Ranchero owner, I had a custom, very shallow A/C evaporator box made (since there is no longer the components inside). Basically it is just a cover on the firewall. My question now is, do I really need the heater core? The dash is off and I am replacing the heater core now, but I don't think it should matter for engine coolant and overall health of the car. I am just wondering if I am way off track. The no A/C has never been an issue and I never use the heater to get warm. The fan and heater work, just never use them. I drive when it's nice out and it is a garaged car.
  2. 1978GT

    1978GT In Overdrive GOLD MEMBER

    Yes, you can run without the heater core, just connect the two hoses together. If you know how to sweat copper, join two 1/2" elbows with a short length of tube to make a "U", secure with hose clamps.
  3. Parker Harger

    Parker Harger In Second Gear

    Boise Idaho
    Ok, sweet. I had purchased a "Bypass" which is basically a U shaped metal piece where you attach the two hoses. I have read conflicting posts about bypassing permanently. The piece I bought is to bypass in the event of a heater core failure when on a roadtrip - to prevent leaking. I put the bypass in and have been running smoothly as I wait for the replacement heater core in the mail.
  4. Clark

    Clark In Maximum Overdrive

    Brighton, Colorado
    If you have too many heater core failures, go to a 7 lb radiator cap. Chances are your Ranchero will run cool enough anyway and the heater cores will last forever. Works with my '75 460 even with the A/C running.
  5. Parker Harger

    Parker Harger In Second Gear

    Boise Idaho
    I think it has a 13 right now. At least that is stamped on the one that came with the radiator. I got a larger aftermarket radiator and an overflow container as I hated when it splattered radiator fluid everywhere. I think I have the right ratio of water and radiator fluid. I know that can be too high and be acidic. I am hoping it was just a faulty heater core. The first one was someone pulling the hoses so hard it broke the pipe mount and then made a mess when I started it. This last heater core was new and lasted about 6 or 7 years. Sprung a leak and started leaking inside the passenger side. Little pinhole leak in the heater core blades but doesn't take much.


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