I figured this thread would die after the kid ws spanked >5.0 ++++++++++ LOL -- nah, it's even better now that only one truck is racing. My money is on Grouch to win this one.
Now that's funny. But don't spend your chips just yet. Maybe Rob will enter Casper? Surely someone else has a Ford 4x4 they would like to enter.
I was pretty impressed with Sean's Volkswagon that could "jump" 20 school buses, even though they were really vans, not school buses, and he didn't actually jump "over" them.
Nope, I guess she didn't. In that case I did 'jump' 20 school buses. Just not 'over' them. Sorry, I ain't buying it.
and Grouch jumped it... after bouncing hard and right out of it.. gosh now I know I have to be extremely literate with you boys... ever try to enter a message on a forum via your cell phone at 3 in the morning... the keys are tight and yes its dark driving down the pass... so try posting here with a phone.
I feel so left out, my 4x4 could barely get one tire off the ground....damn thing was so farking heavy. just so impressive to see all that weight in the air ... man, I wanna see that.
Perhaps you didn't read the whole thread there Tim, buddy (and I don't blame you a bit); the truck never left the ground during this 'jump' and there was no video....bummer. I don't know about being literal with us, Sarah, you said 'jump' and we all to a man thought 'jump'. Perhaps the correct way to put it would be, 'Grouch bounced and banged up a 50 ft. ravine'....or something similar.
I would call bouncing and leaving the ground all four wheels in the air a JUMP.... you tell Klaus its not a jump I'm not going to.....
Well, I think you might be alone there If Klaus says a 4-wheel bounce was like jumping a 50 ft ravine, I'm good with that. Look at this car bounce over this ramp.
Order of magnitude - for clarification, was the you tube "bounce" a little bounce or a big bounce? I was thinking of the mythbusters "bounce" here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SlRcm8b-Io&feature=related I was thinkin' the mythbusters was a "medium bounce" approaching (as in pretty close) a "jump"...
Had they cleared a 50 ft ravine and not a parking lot, that would have been a bounce...........I think.............depends on who you ask.......and how much they were drinking.......I'm confused to the point of not caring any longer.
You are an ass... Sean you naturally assume if someone does something you don't get???? they are drinking... KLAUS DOES NOT DRINK.
Neither Sean nor I stated that we thought Klaus was drinking. The reference, as clearly stated by the thread course, was to the rambling and somewhat incoherent posts that you'd put up earlier. And since the last famous member who used to post rambling, incoherent posts actually admitted being drunk or stoned on medication when posting, we simply pointed out that similarity as a possibility. To make the 'jump' from a rambling post to your husband driving drunk is a bigger feat than that 50' ravine, that's for sure. No one said that, except you. Anyway, it's still a good story and whether it was true as originally told or not doesn't matter. Besides, this is supposed to be about that flatbed work truck vs. your mean machine, not some tit for tat bicker-fest. Although the tit for tat bickerfest is fun to read. And yes, Sean is an ass. Of course, he well knows that.
ACTUALLY JOHN.... this thread is NOT about Grouch vs Bessy the cow... its about RED going to the body shop this week to get repaired because some butthead decided to ruin my day and hit me in the rear, leave the scene of the accident so that now I can get RED fixed and then we will go after this low life for the funds owed to me and the insurance company.... It just like so many ended up with a twist of fate.