Hey yall how are you? Help please

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by sarah, Aug 1, 2024.

  1. sarah

    sarah Pic Moderator Staff Member

    So I've been busy with so much. I hope yall are okay. I'm looking for some car parts. It's for Betty, 59 Fairlane. I was involved I'm a hit and run accident Tuesday. I was driving through a parking lot (absolutely the most dangerous place to drive) I was following a Dodge ram pu he appeared ro be going left to park so I drove around him and he made a hard right and took out the Fairlanes drivers side. My body guys are looking for the trim piece over th drivers side rear fender well, drivers side front fender and door. My body shop needs to look everywhere to find these parts before asking for extra labor to pull out the dents out of the door and fender. Anything you can do I greatly appreciate it.
  2. Garbageman

    Garbageman In Overdrive

    SW Washington
  3. Clark

    Clark In Maximum Overdrive

    Brighton, Colorado
    Sorry to learn that Sarah but those parking lots are trouble. I now park my '02 Ranger at the extreme end of the Home Depot parking lot. Don't want to have to buy another new front fender! I'm sure it was clipped by a truck pulling a trailer. Didn't bother, of course, to leave a note (ha, ha).

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