An office mate accesses a joke site every day. Today's joke was at least car-related, so I had to post it: I'm not addicted to brake fluid. I can stop whenever I want. I know. Rim shot! I'm here every day … and twice on Sunday! Anyway, after you finish groaning, a great Ranchero day to everyone. Joseph
On another forum I visit, This guy accidentally ingested Brake Fluid... The responses are hilarious.. Yesterday at 3 pm i drank 1/2-1 oz of Synthetic dot 3 brake fluid. Went to the Emergency room. After 9 blood and 2 urine samples they found nothing wrong i went home. Absolutely no side effects. I did much reading up on common [Synthetic ] dot 3 brake fluid. Trouble is their are more than a few formulas. The most common one is harmless. It is used in food and cosmetics. After 24 Hrs and feeling normal i give up. I do not think this is the same glycol used in coolant. From what i can find 1/2 1 oz of the bad stuff i would for sure be sick Poly glycol ethers are what most dot 3 brake fluid is made of another source claims dot 3 is made of polyethylene glycol [ PEG ] It is now 24 Hrs and i feel fine. I do worry about liver or kidney problems. The poor doctor was not sure what to do because he was not sure of what i exactly ingested. He called the state poison hot line and they did their best but were not sure of the make up of the dot 3 brake fluid. PS NEVER put brake fluid in a throw away 16 oz water bottle you might forget it is not water . .
My cats like to go in the garage, so I have to be very careful to not leave any liquids lying around for them to find. My wife would never forgive me if they drank something they weren't supposed to. Joseph
It's worth mentioning that Polyethylene Glycol is a good laxative, so could've been easily removed from his system pretty quick
Yeah and I'm included in that joke, 600 acres, house, 6500 sq ft barn/shop and a 60 horse capacity stable and alot of equipment and it's heading that way out to Simi Valley, guess the joke is on me.
It's about 3 miles from me, 2 freeways are closed (118 and the 5) thick smoke and Heavy TRAFFIC on the streets