Found a rare one that needs to be brought back to it's original glory. It's an "E" Code Ranchero. According to more knowledgeable folks than myself they claim that only 10 Ranchero's were built as "mules" with the "E" Code dual quad 312 engine option installed. Someone turned my most recent acquisition into a nice RestoMod , but I need it to be original. I pretty much have all of the hard to find parts to restore it back to its original state , but still need a few of the more common things. Pics coming later. Just wanted to chime in. Best regards,John Harding/Glen Burnie Md.
So, the "E" code has no context without the MY and any description of the rig, including what restomodded repairs were done to it. And, of course, pics are always welcome.
Hello -handy_andy_cv74 I'm not quite clear on your statement of the the "E" code has no context without the MY.???? Could you make me understand that section of your statement . The rest is clear. Thanks in advance John
I think he is talking model year I assume you are referring to a 57 with the Thunderbird 312 8V Y block, not every one knows what an "E" code is this site may help you
Think 5.0 nailed the answer for you, John. The year and code really helps out identifying the vehicle for most folks. Ford did like to repurpose codes throughout the various years. Sounds like a "fun" project. Get some pics up when you have a chance and or more descriptions of stuff done to her or doing. Good Luck.
Oh, yeah, my apologies, I use "MY" as shorthand for 'model year.' Having a 1957 is pretty nice, especially with the T-Bird specification 312 CID. And, as I stated above, pics are always welcome.
'57 with a 312??? Might want to do a clone of one of these. Supercharged 1957 Ford Ranchero Muscle Car Of The Week Video #15 - YouTube Stock is cool too!
Nice suggestion - however I'm saving all my "F" Code items for a real deal "F" machine someday. And that claim of only two "F" Code Ranchero"s manufactured is incorrect. There are at least 8 of them known that were built. Although so far those units on You Tube are the only known existing survivors.
Finally got around to snapping a few half baked shots of my new acquisition. Enjoy - 1957 "E" Code (dual quad carbs) from the factory Replaced the gas tank and installed a NOS fuel tank sending unit that I had stashed for a few years
Welcome to the site John a wealth of information here to help ya along if ya need it,good luck bringing it back to original,I’ve had chances to modify my 67 but felt I couldn’t make it any better than the way it came out of the factory