I am going to delete some threads now. Please everybody all I ask is some common courtesy to your fellow Ranchero owners. Its America everyone is not going to get along I just ask you respect each other here and try to get along. If you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything. If someone asks an opinion feel free to express yours. Thanks
Is the snow getting to you? I know it's been a rough winter and Buffalo ain't seen one like this in some time.
What happened? We'll help straighten things up, Bill. Point us in the right direction and we'll take this punk out to the parking lot for you.
wow guess I missed something but its all good... Billy Spring is coming start cleaning house> when your done... come to Colorado I have some work that needs done in my garden :0 Love ya
Hmmmm New member, makes no sense as you should be at least an Active member by your post count??Looks like you got knocked out in transition. Only seen one other member lost in transition.
looking good mate !!! new member ?? have been on here since 2004, not a problem though...good job !!!!