Well no wonder. I was at Lowe's just a few minutes ago and I couldn't find them either. My wife is also in the process of getting new kitchen cabinets, and now she says that she'll need all new appliances too!
It used to be a thread where you pop on to say 'Hi' when you are 'On Site Now'. It also used to be very popular, but now is sporting a woefull 10.4% rating.
yeah this thread is one you say HI to everyone... and talk about what ever you want. This thread just really can't be hijacked... Its just that kind of thread... I went in search of the original one... there were countdowns to vacations... skydiving.... all sorts of things. A fun thread for sure.
cool. i'm at work. not too many smashed cars to fix so kinda quiet. went across the ditch to auckland this weekend. we saw the dark night and the bank job. not much into movies but both impressed. got to get a grand slam breakfast at denny's. $11.50 here. i'll be a 10%er
Have you seen the movie "Street King" wow that was wild and unexpected twist in the end... who'd have thought Forest Whittaker could be so bad... sounds like fun.. We actually are doing the Labor Day weekend.... wooo hooo The 32nd Balloon Classic is going on this whole weekend... I think I'll get my butt out of bed early enough in the morning to maybe see them get up and take some pictures
just get up early..................you'll be glad you did!!! you can take some awesome photos to share those balloons are awesome......................up up and away in my beautiful, my beautiful balloooooooooooooooooooooon
I've stayed pretty busy this summer, driving the chero....admiring the chero....driving it some more. But alas, I think I'm going to have to put her away for the winter sometime soon. I think were going to have an early winter. It's gol dang wet and chilly lately.
I didn't say it, HR did. Still, I don't think I want wet chili. It just doesn't sound right. It's sort of 'wet' already by defintion.
Have you ever had dry chili? Doesn't sound very good. Maybe a wet sandwich to go along with it? You need to learn how to cook.