This was posted a short time ago on facebook from his wife Ann: Dennis just went down on bike a deer hit him he is being life flighted out ????? where not sure yet please pray for all involved Go ahead and block me, Please Pray for Dennis as I get more information I will post it here. PRAY HARD,
OH HELL ! I always worried about something stupid like that happening to Dennis. I understood his love of riding, I rode about one million miles myself before giving it up due to too many idiots on cell phones . Prayers up, he needs our support right now.
I know HIllbilly I hate them dang two wheelers, so many riders get killed on those stupid things from deer jumping out. This is one moment in time I am so lost for words..... I really love this man He's like a brother.
from a friend Brian Clifford All Dennis Crenshaw our dear friend and District 13 leader has gone down. He hit a deer. He's being life flighted. Just talked to Ann. He's conscious and complaining mostly of shoulder pain. She's not sure which hospital he's going to she's waiting on them to call, so give them a little bit to figure stuff out. Prayers up for our ABATE family!
JUST spoke to ANN D`s wife , he has 5 broken ribs , tore off most his shoulder ,PUNCHED LUNG , still in trauma center MORE prayers ANDY
The odds of hitting a deer are actually pretty low (even though I've hit two), even lower on a motorcycle. The odds of driving into the abyss where a road washed away is even less likely. This guy has done both.
Ann Crenshaw just called me, Dennis is still in the trauma center this morning. They know he has to have surgery on his shoulder also has five broken ribs a punchard lung not sure what all at this time. When he hit the deer Dennis landed on the highway his helmet was knocked off so he has so damage to his face, his motorcycle was laying away from him. He is awake and consience. They both need our prayers, lets lift them up
At least he was wearing a helmet, even though it came off and rolled down the road. He wouldn't have to worry about broken ribs and stuff if he didn't have one on. Poor guy. It's not going to be easy.
Don't dismiss him too easily... We all recall him spending the night in a crushed truck laying in a creek. This man is a mix of rubber and titanium (or maybe he will be now anyway). I'm confident he will be riding again by summer.
I was running out the door when I copied and pasted above....He will be fine this isn't good but its not as bad as when his truck went off the road..... that was a tough road for him Dennis has God on his side and plenty of us praying for him.
Didn't he also fall a great distance from a scaffolding too? Really, the guy has feline blood. And probably more than 9 lives.