The closest guess, without going over, wins a special prize from me...... 1970 Ranchero GT My guess, $46,500 KenW's, $80,000 EddieP's, $40,000 Giska, $56,666 HuevosRanchero, $35,500 Billy, $32,500 Tony, $37,500 (U$, I assume) 79351Ranchero, $22,550 BillyC, $29,000 Tim, $28,000 P4M, $654,369.25 (a good bet, if the bidding gets over $80K) Lincolnnut, $30,100 DonC, $15,300 FF, $55,000 Airford, $27,000 79USMC, $19,750 bscottie, $19,500 fomocomofo, $25,000 Stretch, $22,500 Sarah, $46,800 71ranchero72mach, $16,500 jclocatelli, $43,550
Damn Huveous I added a reply and then deleted it because my guess was 35,350 and didnt want to guess so close to you. So my guess is 32,500
Everyone is allowed one change before the auction. You used yours rather soon. Kidding, you still have it.
Every time I think I have a vehicle on BJ pegged on it's selling price I get my bloomers blown away by some drunken idiot egged on by that screamer dude. Gotta' wonder what the cute gal promises the old farts she singles out as her marks ? I'm sitting this one out, it could easily go extrieme high or low just because it's not an ElCamino.
Well sorry to say but this new guy might just win with the guess of 19, 750 .00 its a shame but most people dont see a real thing of beauty like we do.