Upon further review it looks like you possibly are the winner; however, this depends on Tony. He needs to tell me if his guess was in British Pounds, Euro's, or USD, because if it was Euro's, he is the winner because $37500 Euro's is $49,886, making him the winner (winner, chicken dinner).
He already declared 2 winners. It's your fault for being away. You can't win if you ain't around to collect. Actually I won, but my guess was in Darseks so I am being discriminated against.
I can declare as many winners as I want!! Yes, he can win, it's my game. You never guessed because you are a big fat chicken.
I didn't guess because you didn't dare me to do it. Also, as you admitted, if I had won the prize would have been a turd. Had I guessed, it would have been $4728.763 Darseks, exactly the amount is sold for.
Like I said $4728.763 in Darseks. If you want it in US $ just read the thread. I can't believe how lazy some people are!
I'm not doing some moronic, childish sci-fi conversion. Perhaps HR will do it. How much USD did the damn car sell for?
$55-large. Your guess was the closest, unless Tony chimes in. I see Ribald only does things I dare him to do. Mmmmm, I dare you to hold your breath until you pass out, then do it again, 50 times.
Why do you want FF to hold his breath till he passes out? As punishment for being too lazy to read past post 45 on this thread? Or for being too lazy to look up the answer on the internet? Just the other day you were complaining about people like FF that are too lazy to look up anything, instead expecting us to come up with the answer. You even made a new member think you were getting on his case. You are hereby authorized to send FF the turd you were going to send me.
You don't know FF, at all. That dude practically invented the internet, so I would never question his ability to use it. No sir, he gets no turd from me.
Funny His momma was still wiping his nose (and maybe his butt) when we were creating programs with punch cards and hacking the Arpanet to create ASCII bulletin boards so we could talk to each other. As to his understanding of the internet, as he denies knowledge of the things he should not know I am fairly certain of his abilities. Anyway, I never said he didn't know how, only that he was lazy. And, on that count, he is guilty as charged.
With the commission it was, I believe, much closer to my guesstimate. I submit that I am indeed the winner. I do like them intertubes, it's so werid how all those ones and zeroes patter about and make stuff make sense out here. My knowledge of the cyber universe is indeed rather limited, but I do know that the first person who says they know all there is to know is the last one I will seek out assistance from.
So true. When visual basic came out, I knew my days of writing code were numbered. The internet is now like the pencil. I doubt anyone knows all the information to make a pencil from scratch. You may know how to make the lead, or the eraser, or the metal sleeve that holds the eraser, or the wood shell. You may know the process from collecting the raw materials to the finished part on two, or maybe three of the items. But that is all. When I had a complete knowledge of the net, it was a quill pen. Pull a feather from a bird, cut the end at an angle, and dip it in ink. Hacking was easy as not only had no one considered it a problem, but at that time it was viewed as innovation. It still burns me that what criminals do on the net is called hacking.