Interested by 5 stickers, let me know how much for the total, (5 stickers and shipping to France, postal code 35250). Thanks Eric
French send me you address and I will send you out 5 then just Pay Pal me when I get a total. Cant see it being more than a few dollars for a standard envelope.
Free stickers fer your Ranchero given to RancheroUSA gathering attendees at the Southeastern RancheroUSA Roundup & MoonShine fest this weekend... Enjoy, 66
I also have a bunch from the first run (the trial printing run), for those that can't attend. Send me a PM.
This thread is pretty old, so I guess I'm wondering if the stickers are still available? If do have you moved them to an online shop or just ask for them and send in some payment?
I have some left just send me a PM of how many you need or payment via the Pay Pal link in the Donations Section.
Rachero Stickers Can you please send me 2 Ranchero Stickers? Pay Pal transaction #1073-2955-7069-1192
Just a thought to boost donations,,, are stickers included with Donations to the site? Donation sent via PayPal.
If they are requested. Most people who donate here are repeat offenders LOL. They already have them. How many would you like? I will get them out on Monday for you.
I just got another fistful made up and mailed to me, this week too... These are handed out at our RancheroUSA gatherings & Car Shows we attend... Ranchero owners like these freebies, which Ann & I give out when we see Rancheros... We`ve gotten a few new members from this effort also...