The "original" Gone In 60 Seconds. Starring Eleanor, a 73 Mach 1. Right after he takes out the light pole on the freeway (which wasn't part of the script), a 60's falcon Ranchero drives right in front of the camera.
And... In the scene where Starsky and Hutch pull up to the bar looking for Big Earl, outside is a gorgeous black 71 actually, it might be a 70... the shot is from the back
I took the family to see the new movie: "Marley and Me". Early on in the movie there is a scene of a '70's Ranchero. By the way, it's a great movie. Apparently it is #1 at the box office. Hollywood insiders attribute the first place finish to the scene with the Ranchero! Bill von Tagen '67 Ranchero, 66A '59 Ranchero, 66C
Think I've got a new sighting -- movie called "Without A Paddle"; about 17 minutes into the main feature the road trip buddies are in a backwoods town somewhere in Oregon and there's a kinda nice yellow '70 - '71 with the paint stripe down the side. Appears in several scenes. Can't recommend the movie -- a sort of latter day remake of Deliverance -- 3 amigos go off on an adventure in the wilderness to find DB Cooper's lost fortune, but they encounter crazed dope farmers. Even has Burt Reynolds in a small part but it's nowhere near as good as the original.
Did anyone else see the green 68-69 Ranchero on the new episode of "The Closer" on TNT tonight? For a minute I thought it might have a major role in the show because they had a really good shot of it.
The movie: "Broken Flowers" starring Bill Murray shows a derelict '57 Ranchero in one scene. It is not worth watching the movie to see the Ranchero or for any other reason!
In Throw Mama From The Train -- about 13 minutes in, there is a rear-view of one of the chunky cheros in a store parking lot, has a white shell on it. Not seen after that. The movie is fun, though.
I took my 67 ranchero and 69 Falcon to upstate NY last fall to be extra's in an upcomng movie about'll be out on Woodstocks aniversery this summer......we'll see if they used the scenes ...........I think they will of the ranchero..........Bruce
That is freakin' awesome!! Way to represent!!! That is how it is done around here,..with class and style. Kudos, my man!
Marley & Me Opening scenes when they move to Florida driving down the street a 72 (from the rear is featured) Ok maybe a 72-76, but way cool it was featured...Can't get it on my pewter yet, watching on Blue-ray...Anybody see it it?
This site lets you search for cars in movies/on tv: LOTS of Rancheros!
just saw the movie "milk" with sean penn. in the first few scenes there was a ute...........we think a ranchero anyone else see it yet?
You'd have to stick a cannon ball up my butt and shoot me through the front door of a movie theater to get me to see that movie. Too Brokeback for my tastes. Nice to hear a Ranchero was in it though. Probably a Fishmouth.
are you homophobic?? don't be afraid, you can't catch gayness. i never saw brokeback mountain but thanks for reminding me to rent it