@#$%*^& Sparky!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 72GTVA, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. 72GTVA

    72GTVA Administrator Staff Member

    Chesapeake, VA
    Squirrel decided to start eating and nesting in cars... besides eating the wiring on the 2012 fusion and chewing on the intake manifold, it also decided to nest under the hood of the Mustang...

    Damage 1.jpg Damage 2.jpg Nest 2.jpg Nest 1.jpg
    Hillbilly and handy_andy_cv64 like this.
  2. handy_andy_cv64

    handy_andy_cv64 In Maximum Overdrive SILVER MEMBER

    New Braunfels, TX
    Yup. Seen that. I read about a tech who was diagnosing a '93 LeSabre no-start; When he went to remove the air box and snorkel tube, he found a rat nest inside, backed up against the throttle plate! They chewed their way through the cheap air filter and used it to help feather the nest.
    Hillbilly likes this.
  3. 72GTVA

    72GTVA Administrator Staff Member

    Chesapeake, VA
    Deterrence hasn't worked:

    1- Mothballs - built her nest on top of the packets.
    2- "Repels All" doesn't work. Removed nest and threw it on ground, applied "Repels All" to access areas and liberally coated the discarded nesting materials with the "Repels All". Came back after lunch, an hour later, to clean up the debris and it was gone! Sparky had taken all the materials coated with the "Repels All" and replaced it back onto the top of the engine.

    Answers like this are NOT considered helpful (though some might find them amusing):

    1) Step one, accept that the squirrels are trying to teach you lessons in life.
    2) Step two, Recognize that the squirrels are not the problem. Your anger with the squirrels is the problem.
    3) Step three, Recognize that although you are a physicist, the squirrels right to destroy your car is equal to your right to drive the car. After all, all things happen for a reason.
    4) Step four, realize that since you are equal to the squirrels you must convert to their religion which mainly consists of worshiping nuts as well as burying nuts and forgetting where you put them.
    5) Step five, give up your home, career, family and aspirations because the squirrels have ensured, not only can you not drive your car, you can’t balance your check book, let alone a physics equation.
  4. ribald1

    ribald1 Banned PLATINUM MEMBER

    Shooting them is very effective, especially if you nail the carcasses low on trees by their tails.
    If you want to keep them alive due to a hatred for your fellow man, mixing cayenne pepper with peanut butter and putting it out will train all sorts of critters (including possibly your neighbors kids) to stay off your property.
  5. MaxInValrico

    MaxInValrico In Maximum Overdrive GOLD MEMBER

    Just ain't enough raptors around to keep them culled.
  6. 5.0 Chero

    5.0 Chero Bahumbug Staff Member

    Prunetucky California
    Claim the 2012 fusion damage to the insurance they paid for rat damage on F350
    The only real deterrence is to go out and fire them up the move them every couple of hours... or a completely closed storage facility
  7. 72GTVA

    72GTVA Administrator Staff Member

    Chesapeake, VA
    The Fusion was repaired using comprehensive claim through insurance. Squirrel (Sparky) left the car alone for about a week after the dealership repaired it before trying to reinhabit - and then it started in on the Mustang also yesterday.

    So far it leaves them alone if the hood is open during daylight hours but it will get right on with building a nest as soon as it is daylight.

    First time I've had an issue with Squirrels - methinks this one is going to die.
  8. Huevos

    Huevos In Maximum Overdrive

    Nor Cal
    Squirrel is especially tasty this time of year, the little guys are all fattened up for the winter,
    Put some slices of fat bacon in an oven. Lay the squirrels on top of them and lay two slices of bacon on the top.
    Put them in the oven and let them cook until done. (sorry, no time or temperature specified) Lay them on a dish and set near the fire.
    Take out the bacon, sprinkle one spoonful of flour in the gravy and let it brown. Then pour in one teacup of water, one tablespoonful of butter and put some tomato or walnut catsup.
    Let it cool, then pour it over the squirrel.
    72GTVA likes this.
  9. 72GTVA

    72GTVA Administrator Staff Member

    Chesapeake, VA
    Totally unhelpful snide and stupidly asinine and deliberately provoking comment.
  10. ForistellFord

    ForistellFord In Maximum Overdrive GOLD MEMBER

    Beautiful La Plata Missouri
    Mice are prone to repellents like dryer sheets, have you tried that? They're little bas!@rds to deal with. I use the van all the time yet I still find acorn shells and other such items in and around the air intake. In fact, back when I was searching for my MAF sensor (later realized the 350 didn't come MAF equipped that year), I found a shell that was exactly the ID of the small air intake hose jammed in it. Little pigs. Good luck with the varmints.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
  11. ribald1

    ribald1 Banned PLATINUM MEMBER

    I apologize if I have hurt the feelings of the lovers of destructive vermin.
    For all we know the rodent may be leading a life that, unbeknownst to us is worthwhile and meaningful.
  12. ForistellFord

    ForistellFord In Maximum Overdrive GOLD MEMBER

    Beautiful La Plata Missouri
    That's helpful advice, thanks. I'll have to look for the little S next time I have an issue. :rolleyes:
  13. 72GTVA

    72GTVA Administrator Staff Member

    Chesapeake, VA
    The little jerk started building it's nest on top of the moth ball bag... going to try a few other things like the dryer sheets but as persistent as this one seems to be it is probably just going to have to die.
  14. 72GTVA

    72GTVA Administrator Staff Member

    Chesapeake, VA
    No, it wasn't helpful and designed to be further insulting over the original despicable post.
    ForistellFord likes this.
  15. ForistellFord

    ForistellFord In Maximum Overdrive GOLD MEMBER

    Beautiful La Plata Missouri
    I didn't have any luck with anything, with mice anyway, except for the dryer sheets. I'm not exactly why that is, but if you try it let me know. I'd like to see if it works for you. I have to say though, killing the little brat may be the best option. It will probably keep returning the the scene of the crime until it is stopped, not deterred. I had a problem with a stupid Cardinal last Spring. For some reason, it decided that there was an enemy Cardinal living inside of my side view mirrors. All day long, the idiot was flapping at, pecking on, and crapping on the mirrors and doors. I tried to shoo it many times but it continued unabated. The BB gun was the only thing that worked.
  16. aquartlow

    aquartlow In Maximum Overdrive

    Summerfield Florida
    Maybe try one of those plug-in electronic devices. They are supposed to deter rodents, but not aggravate humans, dogs or cats. Another option is a cat, but it'll probably kill birds instead of the rodents(just can't teach a cat an effin' thing). I used a couple "sticky" traps to take out a few rats/mice near my warehouse. Good luck with your "challenge". Todd
    ForistellFord likes this.
  17. ForistellFord

    ForistellFord In Maximum Overdrive GOLD MEMBER

    Beautiful La Plata Missouri
    I put a few sticky traps in my garage years ago to try to trap a mouse. I didn't catch the mouse, but I did catch a small snake and a massive spider. That was flippin creepy. One trap simply disappeared, so I really wondered WTF was living in my garage! The good old spring traps work just fine now when I see evidence of Jerry again.
  18. ribald1

    ribald1 Banned PLATINUM MEMBER

    Actually it wasn't, but you are fully entitled to your opinion.
    By the way, the pepper in the peanut butter works, but like dropping chewed juicyfruit gum in gopher holes it is a tactic that rodent lovers think cruel.
  19. plumcolr

    plumcolr In Maximum Overdrive SILVER MEMBER

    Freehold NJ
    I dunno - that pic of the stang looks kinda artsy. Like a garden salad you'd get in an upscale restaurant.

    There used to be a restaurant in Hampton where you picked out and grilled your own steak. Near the Marriott, I think. Is that still there?
  20. azcolin

    azcolin In Maximum Overdrive

    l started up my old chero without knowing a cat had crawled up into the fan shroud, not a pretty sight,,,,

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