Big Thanks ! Bout' near seamless job ya'll done here ! You guys deserve the T-shirt, cigar, and a steak dinner if you ever drop in my way. THANKS ! Hillbilly
Yeah also thanks billy, the site looks great. Is it also correct that I had to reregistar becase the site would not take my name right away.
We had over 2000 members on our log. The transfer would only allow 2000 to transfer so that is why some were lost.
Thanks for all the hard work Billy and Jeff. It'll take a little getting used too. I had to register again. Yea, I see how ya'll are.....only the choosen few didn't have to re-register.....I understand where you guys stand now! Good job guys!!!!
Thanks Billy! The new site is awesome! Your hard work paid off! So now silly question of the Day: How long will the old ranchero site remain up and running?
Great site Some messing around with new things but its coming to me, miss the posibility to name the url's like I just learnd on the old site. This is a big job and I'm very pleased, thanks a lot, very good. Like to be a junior he he