Useless trivia of the day: No buildings in downtown St. Louis are allowed to be as tall or taller than the Arch. Next?
You did it again, but I was paying attention. I like how you stick these little tricks in. Directly north of something means you start there and head due north to get to the location. Is Santa living in Detroit these days? Then again, if you head north out of Canada, keep going without changing direction, and start from the right place, you could end up in Miami.
Here's another. There is always one guy on every forum who thinks he knows everything, and can usually be found correcting even the dumbest posts in an attempt to pump up his fragile ego. See Post 2 for the reason. (FF, you win. I really thought it would take at least 24 hours before this happened. Call me an optimist.)
You got me on that one. I figured it was another one of your trick posts, and figured wrong. Maybe I should start looking things up on the internet before posting? Nah. It's no fun if there is no risk.
Sean, ya should have asked what the "Ambassador" was or the length of the tunnel or where the name Windsor came from. How come nearly every map omits the name of Canada or even what Provence you're looking at across the border from the Detroit area ? It's almost like the whole of Ontario is an inconsequential outer ring subdivision. Did you really expect anyone else here to instantly know if your statement was true ? Don't that Santa guy live in Warren ? Edit= Sorta' like me expecting you to know my Wife's Grandpa started the Electro Master Range company in Detroit. Such a wealth of possible questions and crazy facts to toss out at people. A good one would be what do speed boats and the band Stonefront have in common.
Hey! I have a 99%+ success level in catching when he is BS'ing. I missed on this one, so 100% is now permanently out of reach. Kidding, I missed once or twice during the years past also. He has a strong 'tell'. He usually uses improper wording or shifts pronouns when BS'ing.
Hardly anything there to call a McMansion Andy. Pull up ( ) and look around. You'll get glimpses of the typical shacks in that area.
This is useless trivia, not jeopardy. And Rubnuts, please, stop. You're embarrassing yourself with your constant cut downs. I conceded a while back that you were the most popular/funny/smart one here, so there is no need to continue. However, seeing as you called me out, I will do the same. You have a 99% success rate for catching my BS? Find two instances where I have BS'd on this site that you have caught? I mean real ones. Not the times I've said shit and the only to not get I was joking was you. Take your time, Mr. Big Talk
The wind speed of farts have been clocked at speeds of up to 10 feet per second. And the chemicals that cause the horrible smell make up just 1% of the outburst. Ironically, the same can be said for Ribalds breath.
Now now, you know he's a fragile little egg. Why are you being mean? Only one person here gets to be mean, and that's him.
And maybe the most pee flowing in the streets. Last time I was there at least one of them was actively peeing in the street by that big BOA building. It was 92, too, nasty.