oh...my...gosh... how many times can someone read "wiener poopie" on the news and not break up laughing.. ??
I hate wiener dogs, they are annoying and an abomination of the original wolf genes. Glad the 'savior" is gone!!
Update Well, my old local radio station, WRIF, gave this update: We gave Jean a call and she has gotten the statue back...It was actually her hot, 19 year old granddaughter that took it as a joke... She can now thank Jesus he is back. Check out this 'roided up tool....DF will get off on this......lots of swearing though,,,, http://www.break.com/index/roid-head-loves-himself.html
Nobady f***s with da Jesus. From the great movie The Great Lobaski" pretty funny otherwise. Dave +++++++++++ Actually, make that "The Great Lebowski" -- and I agree it's a killer funny movie from the Coen brother's string of hits. Believe the Dude's car is a Torino, too.
Yeah it is in fact a torino four door, I think it might be a 74. Here is a clip of it, and I also know I spelled that wrong. lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4k5T3dXQYs
Actually, make that "The Big Lebowski". >78squire +++++++++++ Woops, right you are, it's Big not great. Sorry about that. Still a fine movie.
I agree, best scene among many, was when they got on that bluff over the ocean to "spinkle" the little guy's ashes (same guy as in Fargo that got "chipped"), and they blew up all over John Goodman's face; that poor guy gets no respect in any movie!! I felt sorry for the "Dude", losing all his CCR tapes in his stolen car too!!
Same here, I'd be lost without my cruisin' music! I finally got a stereo in the Squire recently. Jensen 50x4 cd player, amp, 2 6x9's and 2 10 inch subs. She's got some THUMP now! Note that no rap will ever be played, only the classics. I love crankin' up "Born on the Bayou".
Nice Hi-jack guys! I give it a 9.5. From Jesus to weiner dogs to the big lebowski to CCR,...classic. Suzy Q would be proud.