I lock the keys in my big pickups on a regular basis. Gets annoying and sometimes pricey, but I really don't let it bother me all that much.
Hey, Bryan. Looks like there's a 57? or so ranchero over by applewhite and 16. May run over and take a look at it tomorrow. It might just be time to upgrade. I'm thinking this time maybe bittersweet paint
Give me a call if you come down---I'm pretty close to there---about 8 minutes. Have to go get a rental car Sunday as I am driving to Dallas real early Monday am. Hope to be back home by noon or so Give me a call
Will do! Its at awrecking yard on the corner. Im not sure thet're open today. They allways have nice fixerups there.
All right. We need to get together at some point. Maybe at Biff busbys on a Friday night. (They have a car show every Friday night.)Or if you two wanna come by the shop we can bs there talk about the cheros and grill something. What ever. Bryan you got my number. Eddie I'll shoot you a pm with my number in it. I just found this thread so I'll be tuned in to it now.
That would be cool I decided to look at that old ranchero tomorrow at lunch seeing as how I'll be working at the toyota plant. I'll get some pics of it. Not sure why I would want another ranchero though.LOL
Why not. I spotted what looks like a 67 out here off tolle road. Mine is not even done and i want to go talk to this guy about his. lol
Any of you San Antonio guys near Precision Products, 24165 IH-10 West? I need to rescue my Ford Thompson power steering pump - or at least the chrome plated reservoir. Precision has had it for 2 years or so, started the rebuild, and never finished it. They no longer return my calls or e-mails.
Hi, Clark. I went by the address you sent. It's a ups store. He has a box there and they put a copy of your email in it for us. Funny part is the young man there said he's in and out all day, I just missed him by 20 minutes.
Clark, let me know if theres anything else I can do to help. Looks like his shop is about 2 miles from there. I'll run by there Saturday.
It is not necessarily a bad sign. I have a UPS box as I often don't have anyone here to accept deliveries or hand off things going out to the UPS driver. I also have a USPS box.