If many of you peruse other forums, as I do, some questions come up in my mind. First, what is the usually accepted term for one's "fake" name on a forum? Moniker? Pseudonym? What? Next: Do you use the same password for all of them? I can't keep track of all the passwords already. Is there any detriment to using the same ID, etc., other than the bastards out to get you elsewhere recognize you here? Are forums "bad for your health"? mo.
The technical term is "username." It's been called that since I studied Computer Science in college (when computers were refrigerator-sized). As for passwords, I have a few different ones, and occasionally I get them mixed up. The secret, though, is to make them easy for you to remember but difficult for a hacker to divine by making it not be directly associated with your username. And try not to make the mistake of typing in your password where your username goes; a keylogger program will snag it immediately. And are forums "bad for my health?" Just in my back and hands/fingers.......
When I opened this thread, I though you were going to explain your name, Mo. Do you have an herb farm?
My name is Randal MacKendrick, globally known as RandyMac. In my young days my moniker was Fire Hand, in reference to ever present heavy revolvers.
I just let the site autogenerate it, and it came out as ForistellFord. Kind of a nice coincidence. And mo, yes I use the same password everywhere, it's abc123 and it's never been cracked, so I'm good. No reason to change it.
I spell out numbers, using the numbers in the name (e.g. Se7enty1ne, 5iftyThre3, 4ourThousand9inety2wo). This system is totally unbreakable and impossible to remember.
my name is colin and l lived in Arizona when l joined this site {hence Azcolin} how hard can that be???
Oh, AZ as in Arizona, not as in 'derriere'? Kidding, I knew that. You sold me some parts back in the day, didn't you?
maybe... l sold a lot of ranchero parts back then, l was like Carla in those days only slimmer and less smelly.............
plumcolr = the color my favorite body part turns when it is being my favorite body part. Limited to 8 characters because when I created it, handles on computers were limited to 8 characters (back when I had a pet dinosaur, and car radios came with a vibrator).
I am Ribald1 because I like to be up front with people. Those who know what it means have a good idea what to expect from me.
Ha! While living in the Missouri Ozarks, my wife grew lots of herbs, and being involved with Internet friends discussing herbs and herbals and such, she originated the user name "mo.herbfarm". I chose it for use here for several reasons: the one I pick is always taken, and if it is not, it's just another damn thing to try not to forget! Not forgetting is an impossibility at 72, you see. For the record, my real name is "Jack", as in A$$! mo.
As for mine, there are two parts to it: the "Handy Andy" part comes from an old Tyco trains building kit, "Handy Andy's Garage," which had a big Blue Oval on the sign; and the second part comes from the fact I served aboard USS Constellation CV64 back in the late '80s. I used the underscores because there was already sooo many "Handy Andys" on the net back in '98.