Was that a dog treat or kids snack they were advertising. Regardless, I know it tastes like seaweed. All of their snacks taste like seaweed.
I think he's peddling potato chips, at least that's what the universal symbol of 'dogs holding discs over their private areas while dancing in front of Japanese youths' stands for. Maybe it's changed.
What are you, stupid or something? 'Dogs holding discs over their private areas while dancing in front of Japanese youths' is the universal symbol for deep fried squid rings (or Funyuns as they are called in the US). The symbol for potato chips is Arnold Jackson holding a toothpick in one hand, a potato in the other, standing in a large bucket of cod liver oil.
You may not rub Funyons on your bung, but if you did that would be the international symbol for Wonder bread, sandwich-style loaf.
Coincidentally, the international symbol for a hot dog on a Wonder Bread bun is a dog dancing on its hind legs holding a jar of mayonnaise.
Amazing. We can go all the way to Japan yet still complete a circle. Todd and Kirk would have been proud.