Woo-Hoo! Just scored some tickets to the ZZ Top/Cheap Trick tour at Ridgefield WA. This will be the 5th time I've seen them, starting with the Eliminator tour in the Houston Astrodome back in the early 80's. There is no concert more fun than a ZZ concert!
MAN ,Kidden arnt you, i am going to see them in Oct 19th at Tampa ZZ Top, MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre at the Florida State Fair Grounds Oct 19, 2019 — 7:00 PM — Tampa, FL
One of the Best concerts I have been to was ZZ Top and the Steve Miller Band 1991 at Spartan Stadium San Jose. The music was great, but I have never seen more bare knuckle fighting in my life, rival motorcyclists were duking it out left and right, just when one fight was over by KO another huge hole would open up in the crowd and two bald bearded biker dudes would start throwing punches.. Great entertainment..
June 15, 1986 I saw them, and they were awesome. The stage was a big custom instrument panel. Later that same year I saw Tom Petty and the Moody Blues. Pine Knob was close enough that we used to ride out bikes there and hop the fence. Sssshhhh. Don't tell anyone.
Devonshire downs, early 70's San Fernando valley Ca. Huge line up, sorry still trying to find the billing poster.