Like Hillbilly says I would be checking that the Instrument Voltage Regulator is grounded. Which year Ranchero do you have? I can post a wiring...
handy_andy_cv64 is right. The LEDs use much less power than an incandescent and therefore generate much less heat. If the LED insert you are...
Hi Martin. Neill here, I am the one who makes the printed circuits. Andy who lives in Florida does the shipping. I can send you a Paypal...
I have the '70-'71 which covers both tach and non-tach models, also the standard late '76 to early '79: [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]...
I have been working with LEDs since I started in electronics in the 80s. They sure have come along way since then. My house lighting is now...
A new printed circuit can potentially fix all the problems you have but it depends what is at fault. Unfortunately the only way to know what is...
I'm not sure anyone will know for sure why. As someone who has studied these printed circuits a lot(maybe too much) I think it might be a simple...
As above some progress has been made. We are now looking at the ALT warning lamp. This project is about putting a standard(non tach) '72...
Ouch! Maybe they are not actually in France, just a French website.
It appears that you have Mouser in France. Their part number 576-0AGA07.5V looks to be the thing you need:...
That is more of the ignition switch. It has to be as it feeds the ignition coil through the run resistor/resistance wire.
That is it in a nutshell and it seems that everything is working apart from the lack of 12V at pin 14. Exactly where pin 14 is fed from is proving...
For some background info and because I've got the pictures to hand, this is the standard circuit that first appeared in '74. The wire colors are...
I concur. I just makes no sense for that red/yellow to go all over the place when it needs to go from the ignition switch to the instrument...
My apologies for taking so long to get these out the door. They are now on their way to Andy. [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]...
Separate names with a comma.