There you have it!

Discussion in 'This Whacky World' started by BlueOvals, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. BlueOvals

    BlueOvals In Maximum Overdrive

    Northern Ca.
  2. BlueOvals

    BlueOvals In Maximum Overdrive

    Northern Ca.
    more details

    Report: Non-Muslims Deserve to Be Punished
    Tuesday, April 01, 2008

    A report posted on Islam Watch, a site run by Muslims who oppose intolerant teachings and hatred for unbelievers, exposes a prominent Islamic cleric and lawyer who support extreme punishment for non-Muslims — including killing and rape.

    A question-and-answer session with Imam Abdul Makin in an East London mosque asks why Allah would tell Muslims to kill and rape innocent non-Muslims, including their wives and daughters, according to Islam Watch.

    "Because non-Muslims are never innocent, they are guilty of denying Allah and his prophet," the Imam says, according to the report. "If you don't believe me, here is the legal authority, the top Muslim lawyer of Britain."

    The lawyer, Anjem Choudary, backs up the Imam's position, saying that all Muslims are innocent.

    Click here to watch the interview with Islamic lawyer Anjem Choudary.

    "You are innocent if you are a Muslim," Choudary tells the BBC. "Then you are innocent in the eyes of God. If you are not a Muslim, then you are guilty of not believing in God."

    Choudary said he would not condemn a Muslim for any action.

    "As a Muslim, I must support my Muslim brothers and sisters," Choudary said. "I must have hatred to everything that is not Muslim."
  3. BlueOvals

    BlueOvals In Maximum Overdrive

    Northern Ca.
    I guess in a way that last line sums it up for me too, with the exception of one word [not]: "I must have hatred to everything that is [not] Muslim."
  4. CCornell

    CCornell Guest


    And this is the religon of peace??
  5. DonC

    DonC In Maximum Overdrive SILVER MEMBER

    Gonzales Louisiana
    There ain't nothing peaceful about Islam. REad up on the Koran a little and see how peaceful the religion is. If you leave Islam that act is punishable by dragging to death along with many other wonderful things.

    Did you see the latest on MSN. There is a nice little kid show run by Hamas that shows a puppet stabbing a puppet Bush to death, what a wonderful thing to teach your kids. Teach them hate early is Islam. Man those folks are brain washed, Islam ain't a religion in my book. It's an attempt at religion written by some nut case named Mohammed.
  6. CCornell

    CCornell Guest


    People are going to do/act/think/believe in all different ways no matter what anyone does or says. We're humans and that is in our genes. This is the way we are and will be for a long long time to come. We've spent our entire existance this way and cannot change by mere thought processes or actions. Depending on which time period you're in and who or what you are dictates how bad or good your life is. As bad as we see their religon or beliefs, they think it's all good, the way we see our religons and it's practices.
    They don't agree with ours and we don't agree with theirs. Luckily, because of the current time we're in, and our vast superior military might, we hold the sharpest blade in this knife fight. I hate to say it but the only real answer to the problems over there is to turn the Mid East into one giant green glass bowl.
  7. BlueOvals

    BlueOvals In Maximum Overdrive

    Northern Ca.
    Your solution to the problem seems inescapable, according to history. A war of words and small skirmishes, i.e. Isreal, Palistinians, Iraq, Iran usually escalate into a larger conflict. I see no way out. Now is the time for resolve and courageous leadership, a pretty scarce commodity in Wash D.C., and especially among the lib. Dems. and their so-called candidates for prez. who want to hide their heads in the sand and hope the Islamic boogie man goes away!!
  8. Horsebackbob

    Horsebackbob In Second Gear

    West Texas
    Hmmm... nuke it, pave it over, and create the worlds largest wal-mart... Its the best thing anyone could ever hope to do for that area.

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