69 R code project

Discussion in 'The Stable' started by Dyno, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. Dyno

    Dyno In Overdrive

    Croydon, Pa
    RR feel your pain . Phil is giving you good advice on how to adjust it. Go slow on adjustments.
    I'm dialing my modulator in and am now closer to where I want to be might take another half to one full turn for me.
    Now I'm also chasing bigger rad fans most are rated in watts and may not give a CFM rating. I just need the CFM rating i don't need to convert watts to a rating.
    American Volt seems to have a decent website now to figure out what I can fit where. The 80 watts just don't move enough air.
    That's part of the fun of this I guess , always something else to "play" with !!!!
    pmrphil likes this.
  2. RancheroRandy

    RancheroRandy In Maximum Overdrive

    I went with a Derale fan...they give CFM and have slimline ones like I needed.

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  3. pmrphil

    pmrphil In Maximum Overdrive GOLD MEMBER

    central CT
    Take a look at Spal fans, they will suck the dirt off a gnat's butt :oops: Only downfall is you need to buy their wiring pigtail/harness separately.
  4. Dyno

    Dyno In Overdrive

    Croydon, Pa
    Went with the American volt fans. Dual 10" 180 watt, they definitely move some air. Really put them to the test today went for a ride and used up over a tank and a half of gas !! Went to the shop that built trans and converter for me in Newark, De. After that went on down to my buddy's shop in Ridgely, Md as he had never seen the ride.
    Received some really good compliments on how I had done stuff, always a feel good.
    On way back got stuck in plenty of rush hour traffic and she stayed cool and running nice.
    Always good when people give thumbs up, waves, comments and even had a few taking pics /videos while rolling down the road.

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