Any Kansas City built 60's

Discussion in 'Ranchero Vin Decoder/Production Numbers' started by JoeTheCarGuy, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. JoeTheCarGuy

    JoeTheCarGuy In First Gear

    North Alabama
    Hello, My lil 60 was built in KC, but the drivers door has been replaced and the trim tag didn't make the switch. Can anyone help me figure out an approximate date of production, last six of my VIN are 2084XX.

  2. Jim.UT

    Jim.UT In Second Gear

    South Jordan, UT
    I've never seen a KC plant code on a Falcon based Ranchero. All I've ever seen was H (Lorain OH) and R (San Jose CA). My '65 (from Lorain) was built 4/21/65 and has unit number 2288xx. If the KC plant production in '60 was close to the Lorain plant in '65 then I'd say your build date is somewhere around mid-March 1960. That's as close as I can get.
  3. Marty

    Marty In Third Gear

    NE Oklahoma
    Jim, how did you figure the build date? I'm trying to find out what the date was for my '65.
  4. Jim.UT

    Jim.UT In Second Gear

    South Jordan, UT
    Look on the data plate on the driver door. There is a date code there, about in the middle of the tag. I'm not looking at a data plate right now, but if I remember right the date code is between the trim and DSO. So from left to right (going from memory): Body code, Color, Trim, Date, DSO, Axle, Trans. Might be hard to figure out which code is the date code if the tag has been painted over. Look for a 3 character code with two numbers followed by a letter. The numbers will be the date and the letter will be the month. A - Jan, B - Feb, C - Mar, etc.

    You have to do some logical thinking for the year. If the model year is 65 (from the first digit of the VIN) then you'll know that any date from Sept to Dec will be 1964 and any date January and after will be 1965. My date code is 21D, therefor, April 21 1965.
  5. TestDummy

    TestDummy In Maximum Overdrive SILVER MEMBER

    Other than throwing your car a birthday party, why would you need a build date. I know the date my Ranchero was built, from the report I got from Ford. Hasn't helped me.
  6. Jim.UT

    Jim.UT In Second Gear

    South Jordan, UT
    Any excuse for a party works for me!
    TestDummy likes this.

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